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Entry IDEmailRoleProgamsLarge EventsIndoor VolunteeringTutoring/MentoringVolunteer CoordinationBoard ServiceReliable AmeriCorps fundingGuide to active NPsDiverse and Inclusive NP BoardsEasier recruitmentQuality Volunteer Leadership
180Service commission staff memberAmeriCorps, State ServiceEnd of 2021End of 2021End of 2021End of 2021End of 2021ImportantSomewhat importantSomewhat importantSomewhat importantImportant
179[email protected]Service commission staff memberLeadership (Commission or Member Site), Volunteer Generation Fund, AmeriCorps, National Service, State ServiceSometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Fall 2021Fall 2021Very importantVery importantVery importantVery importantVery important
178[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorpsSometime in 2022Already RecoveredAlready RecoveredAlready RecoveredAlready RecoveredVery importantVery importantVery importantVery importantVery important
177[email protected]Service commission staff memberAmeriCorpsSometime in 2022End of 2021Sometime in 2022Sometime in 2022End of 2021Very importantVery importantVery importantVery importantVery important
176[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorpsSometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Fall 2021Fall 2021Already RecoveredVery importantImportantVery importantVery importantImportant
175[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteLeadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, National Service, State Service, VISTASometime in 2022Already RecoveredAlready RecoveredAlready RecoveredFall 2021Very importantVery importantVery importantVery importantVery important
174[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteLeadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, State ServiceSometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Fall 2021Already RecoveredFall 2021ImportantSomewhat importantImportantImportantVery important
173[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorps, State ServiceFall 2021Already RecoveredAlready RecoveredAlready RecoveredAlready RecoveredVery importantImportantNot importantImportantVery important
172[email protected]Service commission staff memberLeadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, National Service, State Service, RSVPEnd of 2021Fall 2021Already RecoveredAlready RecoveredAlready RecoveredImportantImportantVery importantImportantVery important
171[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorpsSometime in 2022End of 2021Fall 2021Fall 2021Fall 2021Very importantImportantVery importantImportantImportant
170[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorpsSometime in 2022Sometime in 2022End of 2021Already RecoveredFall 2021Very importantImportantVery importantVery importantVery important
169[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorpsEnd of 2021Sometime in 2022End of 2021End of 2021End of 2021Very importantVery importantVery importantVery importantVery important
168[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorps, National ServiceSometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Very importantImportantVery importantImportantVery important
167[email protected]Service commission staff memberAmeriCorps, National Service, State ServiceSometime in 2022End of 2021Already RecoveredAlready RecoveredAlready RecoveredVery importantImportantVery importantVery importantVery important
166[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteLeadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, State ServiceBeyond 2022Sometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Very importantImportantVery importantVery importantVery important
165[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteNational Service, State ServiceBeyond 2022Sometime in 2022End of 2021Already RecoveredEnd of 2021ImportantVery importantVery importantImportantVery important
164[email protected]Service commission staff memberAmeriCorps, State ServiceSometime in 2022Fall 2021Fall 2021Fall 2021Already RecoveredImportantSomewhat importantVery importantSomewhat importantImportant
163[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteSeniorSometime in 2022Fall 2021Fall 2021Fall 2021End of 2021Very importantVery importantVery importantVery importantVery important
162[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorpsBeyond 2022Beyond 2022Beyond 2022Beyond 2022Beyond 2022Somewhat importantImportantVery importantVery importantImportant
161[email protected]Service commission staff memberLeadership (Commission or Member Site)Beyond 2022Sometime in 2022End of 2021End of 2021Fall 2021ImportantImportantVery importantVery importantSomewhat important
160[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorpsSometime in 2022Fall 2021Fall 2021Already RecoveredAlready RecoveredVery importantSomewhat importantVery importantVery importantImportant
159[email protected]Service commission staff memberLeadership (Commission or Member Site)Sometime in 2022Fall 2021Fall 2021End of 2021Fall 2021Very importantVery importantVery importantVery importantVery important
158[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteLeadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, National Service, State ServiceSometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Already RecoveredAlready RecoveredAlready RecoveredVery importantVery importantVery importantVery importantVery important
157[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteLeadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, State ServiceSometime in 2022End of 2021Already RecoveredAlready RecoveredEnd of 2021Very importantSomewhat importantSomewhat importantVery importantVery important
156[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorpsEnd of 2021Sometime in 2022Fall 2021End of 2021Fall 2021Very importantVery importantVery importantVery importantVery important
155[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteLeadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, State ServiceFall 2021Already RecoveredAlready RecoveredAlready RecoveredAlready RecoveredVery importantVery importantVery importantVery importantVery important
154[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorpsEnd of 2021Fall 2021Fall 2021Already RecoveredFall 2021Very importantImportantImportantImportantVery important
153[email protected]Service commission staff memberLeadership (Commission or Member Site), Volunteer Generation Fund, AmeriCorps, National Service, State ServiceEnd of 2021Fall 2021Fall 2021End of 2021Fall 2021Very importantImportantVery importantImportantVery important
152[email protected]Service commission staff memberAmeriCorpsSometime in 2022Beyond 2022Beyond 2022Sometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Very importantImportantVery importantImportantImportant
151[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteLeadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, State ServiceSometime in 2022Fall 2021Fall 2021End of 2021Already RecoveredVery importantSomewhat importantSomewhat importantVery importantSomewhat important
150[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorps, VISTAEnd of 2021End of 2021End of 2021End of 2021End of 2021Very importantVery importantVery importantVery importantVery important
149[email protected](Other) ConsultantVolunteer Generation Fund, RSVP, SeniorSometime in 2022End of 2021Already RecoveredSometime in 2022Sometime in 2022ImportantSomewhat importantImportantSomewhat importantVery important
148[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteVISTABeyond 2022End of 2021End of 2021Fall 2021End of 2021Very importantSomewhat importantImportantImportantVery important
147[email protected]Service commission staff memberAmeriCorps, National Service, State ServiceSometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Fall 2021Fall 2021Already RecoveredVery importantImportantVery importantVery importantImportant
146[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteState ServiceBeyond 2022End of 2021Fall 2021Fall 2021Fall 2021Very importantImportantImportantImportantImportant
145[email protected]Service commission staff memberLeadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorpsSometime in 2022End of 2021Fall 2021Already RecoveredAlready RecoveredVery importantVery importantVery importantImportantImportant
144[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorpsSometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Very importantSomewhat importantImportantImportantImportant
143[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorpsSometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Fall 2021Fall 2021Already RecoveredVery importantImportantImportantImportantImportant
142[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteLeadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorpsBeyond 2022Beyond 2022Sometime in 2022Beyond 2022Sometime in 2022Very importantSomewhat importantSomewhat importantSomewhat importantVery important
141[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorps, State ServiceSometime in 2022Sometime in 2022End of 2021Fall 2021End of 2021ImportantSomewhat importantVery importantVery importantImportant
140[email protected]Service commission staff memberLeadership (Commission or Member Site), Volunteer Generation Fund, AmeriCorps, National Service, State Service, VISTA, RSVP, SeniorBeyond 2022End of 2021Fall 2021Already RecoveredAlready RecoveredVery importantImportantVery importantVery importantVery important
139[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteLeadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorpsSometime in 2022Fall 2021End of 2021Already RecoveredAlready RecoveredImportantImportantImportantImportantImportant
138[email protected]Service commission staff memberVolunteer Generation Fund, State ServiceFall 2021Fall 2021Fall 2021Already RecoveredAlready RecoveredImportantImportantImportantImportantImportant
137[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorps, RSVP, SeniorEnd of 2021End of 2021End of 2021Already RecoveredAlready RecoveredVery importantVery importantVery importantVery importantVery important
136Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorps, RSVP, SeniorEnd of 2021End of 2021End of 2021Already RecoveredAlready RecoveredImportantVery importantVery importantVery importantVery important
135Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorps, National ServiceSometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Fall 2021End of 2021Fall 2021Somewhat importantSlightly importantSomewhat importantVery importantVery important
134[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteLeadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, National ServiceBeyond 2022End of 2021End of 2021End of 2021Sometime in 2022Very importantVery importantImportantSomewhat importantVery important
133[email protected](Other) Grants AccountantNational ServiceSometime in 2022Sometime in 2022End of 2021End of 2021End of 2021Very importantImportantVery importantImportantVery important
132[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteLeadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, National Service, State Service, VISTABeyond 2022Sometime in 2022Already RecoveredFall 2021Fall 2021Very importantImportantImportantVery importantVery important
131[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorpsEnd of 2021Already RecoveredAlready RecoveredSometime in 2022Already RecoveredVery importantSomewhat importantSomewhat importantVery importantVery important
130[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteLeadership (Commission or Member Site)Beyond 2022Sometime in 2022Beyond 2022Sometime in 2022End of 2021Very importantVery importantVery importantImportantImportant
129[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorpsFall 2021Fall 2021Fall 2021Fall 2021Fall 2021Very importantSomewhat importantVery importantVery importantSomewhat important
128[email protected](Other) Head of Talent at an AmeriCorps partner granteeLeadership (Commission or Member Site)Beyond 2022Sometime in 2022Fall 2021Already RecoveredFall 2021Very importantSomewhat importantVery importantVery importantVery important
127[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorpsSometime in 2022End of 2021Fall 2021Fall 2021End of 2021Very importantVery importantVery importantVery importantVery important
126[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteLeadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorpsBeyond 2022End of 2021Fall 2021Already RecoveredFall 2021Very importantVery importantVery importantVery importantVery important
125[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteLeadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, State ServiceSometime in 2022End of 2021Sometime in 2022Fall 2021End of 2021Very importantImportantSomewhat importantSomewhat importantVery important
124[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteLeadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, State ServiceSometime in 2022End of 2021Already RecoveredAlready RecoveredFall 2021Very importantImportantVery importantImportantImportant
123[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteRSVPEnd of 2021End of 2021End of 2021End of 2021End of 2021Very importantImportantImportantVery importantVery important
122[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorps, VISTAEnd of 2021End of 2021Already RecoveredFall 2021End of 2021Very importantVery importantVery importantVery importantVery important
121[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteLeadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, National ServiceEnd of 2021Fall 2021Already RecoveredFall 2021Fall 2021Very importantSomewhat importantVery importantVery importantVery important
120[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorpsSometime in 2022Fall 2021Already RecoveredAlready RecoveredFall 2021Very importantVery importantVery importantVery importantVery important
119[email protected]Service commission staff memberVolunteer Generation FundSometime in 2022End of 2021Fall 2021Sometime in 2022Fall 2021Very importantVery importantVery importantVery importantVery important
118[email protected](Other) Commissioner and RSVP DirectorRSVPBeyond 2022Beyond 2022End of 2021End of 2021Already RecoveredImportantSomewhat importantSomewhat importantVery importantSomewhat important
117[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorpsSometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Fall 2021Fall 2021Fall 2021ImportantImportantImportantImportantImportant
116[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorps, National Service, State ServiceBeyond 2022Fall 2021Beyond 2022Fall 2021End of 2021Very importantImportantVery importantImportantImportant
115[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteNational Service, State ServiceSometime in 2022End of 2021Already RecoveredAlready RecoveredAlready RecoveredImportantImportantImportantImportantImportant
114[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteLeadership (Commission or Member Site), Volunteer Generation Fund, AmeriCorps, National Service, State Service, VISTAFall 2021Already RecoveredAlready RecoveredFall 2021Already RecoveredSomewhat importantSomewhat importantVery importantVery importantImportant
113Service commission staff memberState ServiceFall 2021Fall 2021Fall 2021Fall 2021Already RecoveredImportantSomewhat importantVery importantVery importantVery important
112[email protected](Other) Girls Scout Troop LeaderLeadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorpsSometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Already RecoveredAlready RecoveredAlready RecoveredVery importantVery importantVery importantVery importantVery important
111[email protected]Service commission staff memberLeadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorpsBeyond 2022Beyond 2022Sometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Very importantImportantVery importantSomewhat importantVery important
110[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteLeadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, National ServiceBeyond 2022Sometime in 2022Fall 2021Fall 2021End of 2021Very importantSomewhat importantVery importantImportantVery important
109[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorpsSometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Very importantImportantVery importantVery importantVery important
108[email protected](Other) NJ Governor\'s Office of Volunteerism - Program Officer Volunteer Generation FundBeyond 2022End of 2021Already RecoveredAlready RecoveredFall 2021ImportantSomewhat importantImportantImportantVery important
107[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorps, VISTAEnd of 2021Fall 2021Fall 2021Fall 2021Already RecoveredVery importantImportantVery importantImportantVery important
106Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorps, National ServiceBeyond 2022Beyond 2022Sometime in 2022Beyond 2022Sometime in 2022Very importantVery importantVery importantVery importantVery important
105[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteLeadership (Commission or Member Site), National ServiceSometime in 2022End of 2021End of 2021End of 2021Fall 2021Very importantImportantVery importantVery importantVery important
104[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorps, National ServiceBeyond 2022Sometime in 2022Fall 2021End of 2021End of 2021Very importantVery importantVery importantVery importantVery important
103[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteLeadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, State ServiceSometime in 2022End of 2021End of 2021Fall 2021Fall 2021Very importantVery importantVery importantVery importantVery important
102[email protected](Other) SCP DirectorNational ServiceSometime in 2022Fall 2021Fall 2021Already RecoveredAlready RecoveredVery importantImportantImportantVery importantVery important
101[email protected](Other) Program Assistant AmeriCorps MemberAmeriCorpsFall 2021Already RecoveredAlready RecoveredAlready RecoveredAlready RecoveredVery importantVery importantVery importantVery importantVery important
100[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorps, State ServiceFall 2021Already RecoveredAlready RecoveredFall 2021Fall 2021Very importantImportantImportantImportantVery important
99[email protected](Other) Program Operations StaffAmeriCorps, National Service, State ServiceSometime in 2022End of 2021Fall 2021Already RecoveredAlready RecoveredVery importantSomewhat importantSomewhat importantVery importantVery important
98Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorpsSometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Very importantSlightly importantSlightly importantVery importantVery important
97[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteLeadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorpsSometime in 2022Sometime in 2022End of 2021Fall 2021Sometime in 2022Very importantVery importantVery importantVery importantVery important
96[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteLeadership (Commission or Member Site)End of 2021Fall 2021Already RecoveredAlready RecoveredAlready RecoveredVery importantSomewhat importantImportantVery importantVery important
95[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteLeadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, National Service, RSVP, SeniorSometime in 2022Fall 2021Sometime in 2022Fall 2021Already RecoveredVery importantSomewhat importantSomewhat importantImportantVery important
94[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteLeadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorpsBeyond 2022Sometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Very importantImportantVery importantImportantVery important
93[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteLeadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, National ServiceBeyond 2022Sometime in 2022Fall 2021End of 2021Sometime in 2022Very importantVery importantVery importantVery importantVery important
92[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorpsSometime in 2022Fall 2021Fall 2021Already RecoveredAlready RecoveredSlightly importantImportantImportantImportantImportant
91[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteLeadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, State ServiceEnd of 2021Already RecoveredAlready RecoveredAlready RecoveredAlready RecoveredVery importantImportantImportantImportantVery important
90[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorps, National Service, State Service, VISTABeyond 2022End of 2021Fall 2021Sometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Very importantImportantVery importantVery importantVery important
89[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorps, National Service, State Service, VISTABeyond 2022Sometime in 2022Fall 2021End of 2021Already RecoveredVery importantVery importantVery importantVery importantVery important
88[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteLeadership (Commission or Member Site), Volunteer Generation Fund, AmeriCorps, State ServiceFall 2021Fall 2021Fall 2021Fall 2021Fall 2021Very importantVery importantVery importantVery importantVery important
87[email protected](Other) Business ManagerAmeriCorpsBeyond 2022Sometime in 2022Fall 2021Already RecoveredFall 2021Very importantImportantImportantVery importantVery important
86[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorps, National Service, State ServiceSometime in 2022Fall 2021Fall 2021Already RecoveredFall 2021Somewhat importantSomewhat importantImportantImportantImportant
85Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorps, National ServiceSometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Already RecoveredAlready RecoveredVery importantImportantVery importantVery importantVery important
84[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorps, National Service, State ServiceSometime in 2022End of 2021Fall 2021Already RecoveredAlready RecoveredVery importantVery importantVery importantVery importantVery important
83[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorpsSometime in 2022Beyond 2022End of 2021Beyond 2022End of 2021Very importantImportantImportantVery importantVery important
82[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorps, National ServiceBeyond 2022End of 2021Fall 2021End of 2021End of 2021Very importantVery importantVery importantVery importantVery important
81[email protected](Other) AmeriCorps Seniors Foster Grandparent Program CoordinatorNational Service, SeniorSometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Sometime in 2022End of 2021End of 2021Very importantVery importantVery importantVery importantVery important
80[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorps, State ServiceEnd of 2021Fall 2021Already RecoveredAlready RecoveredAlready RecoveredSomewhat importantImportantImportantImportantVery important
79[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorpsBeyond 2022End of 2021Fall 2021Fall 2021Fall 2021Very importantSomewhat importantSomewhat importantImportantImportant
78[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorps, State ServiceSometime in 2022Fall 2021Fall 2021Fall 2021Already RecoveredVery importantImportantVery importantImportantVery important
77[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteLeadership (Commission or Member Site)Sometime in 2022Sometime in 2022End of 2021End of 2021Fall 2021Very importantVery importantImportantVery importantVery important
76[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteLeadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, SeniorSometime in 2022Sometime in 2022End of 2021Fall 2021Fall 2021Very importantVery importantVery importantVery importantVery important
75[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorps, State ServiceSometime in 2022Sometime in 2022End of 2021Sometime in 2022Already RecoveredImportantSomewhat importantImportantVery importantVery important
74[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorps, State ServiceFall 2021End of 2021Fall 2021End of 2021End of 2021Somewhat importantVery importantVery importantVery importantVery important
73[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteLeadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, State ServiceSometime in 2022End of 2021Fall 2021End of 2021End of 2021Very importantImportantVery importantImportantVery important
72[email protected](Other) State CommissionerLeadership (Commission or Member Site)Sometime in 2022End of 2021End of 2021End of 2021Sometime in 2022Somewhat importantImportantImportantSomewhat importantVery important
71[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorps, State ServiceSometime in 2022Already RecoveredAlready RecoveredAlready RecoveredFall 2021Very importantVery importantVery importantVery importantImportant
70[email protected]Service commission staff memberAmeriCorps, State ServiceFall 2021End of 2021Fall 2021Fall 2021Fall 2021ImportantVery importantVery importantVery importantVery important
69[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteState ServiceBeyond 2022Beyond 2022Beyond 2022Beyond 2022End of 2021Very importantSomewhat importantImportantImportantVery important
68[email protected]Service commission staff memberLeadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, National Service, State Service, VISTABeyond 2022Beyond 2022Beyond 2022Beyond 2022Beyond 2022Very importantVery importantVery importantVery importantVery important
67[email protected]Service commission staff memberLeadership (Commission or Member Site), Volunteer Generation Fund, AmeriCorps, National Service, VISTAEnd of 2021Sometime in 2022Fall 2021Already RecoveredAlready RecoveredVery importantVery importantVery importantVery importantVery important
66[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteLeadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, State ServiceSometime in 2022End of 2021Already RecoveredAlready RecoveredAlready RecoveredVery importantImportantImportantImportantImportant
65[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteVolunteer Generation Fund, AmeriCorpsSometime in 2022Fall 2021Fall 2021Fall 2021Fall 2021Very importantVery importantVery importantVery importantVery important
64[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorpsEnd of 2021End of 2021End of 2021Fall 2021Fall 2021Very importantVery importantVery importantVery importantVery important
63[email protected]Service commission staff memberAmeriCorpsSometime in 2022End of 2021End of 2021End of 2021End of 2021Very importantImportantVery importantImportantVery important
62[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorpsSometime in 2022End of 2021Sometime in 2022End of 2021End of 2021Very importantImportantImportantVery importantVery important
61[email protected]Service commission staff memberLeadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, National ServiceBeyond 2022Sometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Very importantSomewhat importantVery importantVery importantVery important
60[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteLeadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, National Service, RSVPEnd of 2021Sometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Already RecoveredAlready RecoveredVery importantVery importantVery importantVery importantVery important
59[email protected]Service commission staff memberLeadership (Commission or Member Site), Volunteer Generation Fund, AmeriCorps, National Service, State ServiceSometime in 2022End of 2021Already RecoveredAlready RecoveredAlready RecoveredImportantImportantVery importantSomewhat importantVery important
58[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorpsSometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Beyond 2022Very importantImportantImportantVery importantVery important
57[email protected](Other) Assistant Project Director, Foster Grandparent ProgramSeniorSometime in 2022Fall 2021Fall 2021Fall 2021Fall 2021Very importantVery importantVery importantVery importantVery important
56[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorps, State ServiceSometime in 2022End of 2021Fall 2021Fall 2021Sometime in 2022Very importantSlightly importantSomewhat importantImportantSomewhat important
55[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorps, National Service, State ServiceFall 2021Sometime in 2022End of 2021Sometime in 2022End of 2021Very importantImportantImportantImportantImportant
54[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorpsSometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Fall 2021Already RecoveredImportantImportantVery importantImportantVery important
53[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorps, National Service, State ServiceSometime in 2022Fall 2021Fall 2021Already RecoveredAlready RecoveredImportantSomewhat importantImportantImportantImportant
52[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteState ServiceSometime in 2022Beyond 2022Already RecoveredEnd of 2021End of 2021Very importantVery importantVery importantVery importantVery important
51[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteLeadership (Commission or Member Site), Volunteer Generation Fund, AmeriCorps, State ServiceSometime in 2022Fall 2021Fall 2021End of 2021Already RecoveredVery importantVery importantVery importantImportantVery important
50[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteLeadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, State ServiceBeyond 2022End of 2021End of 2021End of 2021Sometime in 2022ImportantSomewhat importantVery importantImportantImportant
49[email protected](Other) NonProfit Management AmeriCorpsFall 2021Fall 2021Already RecoveredFall 2021Already RecoveredSlightly importantSlightly importantImportantImportantVery important
48[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteLeadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, National Service, State ServiceSometime in 2022Fall 2021Fall 2021Already RecoveredAlready RecoveredVery importantImportantImportantVery importantVery important
47[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorps, State ServiceSometime in 2022Fall 2021Fall 2021Fall 2021Already RecoveredVery importantSomewhat importantVery importantImportantVery important
46[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteLeadership (Commission or Member Site), Volunteer Generation Fund, AmeriCorps, State ServiceSometime in 2022End of 2021End of 2021Already RecoveredAlready RecoveredImportantImportantVery importantSomewhat importantImportant
45[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorpsSometime in 2022Beyond 2022Sometime in 2022Fall 2021Already RecoveredVery importantVery importantVery importantImportantImportant
44[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteLeadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, State ServiceSometime in 2022Beyond 2022Fall 2021Beyond 2022Fall 2021Very importantSomewhat importantSomewhat importantVery importantVery important
43[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorpsSometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Fall 2021End of 2021End of 2021Very importantImportantVery importantSomewhat importantImportant
42[email protected]Service commission staff memberLeadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, State ServiceSometime in 2022End of 2021Fall 2021End of 2021Sometime in 2022Very importantVery importantVery importantVery importantVery important
41[email protected]Service commission staff memberVolunteer Generation FundSometime in 2022Fall 2021End of 2021Already RecoveredAlready RecoveredSlightly importantSlightly importantSlightly importantSlightly importantSlightly important
40[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteVISTABeyond 2022End of 2021End of 2021End of 2021End of 2021Very importantVery importantVery importantVery importantVery important
39[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteLeadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorpsBeyond 2022Sometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Already RecoveredVery importantVery importantVery importantVery importantVery important
38[email protected](Other) Finance & Admin AssistantState ServiceSometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Sometime in 2022End of 2021Very importantImportantVery importantImportantImportant
37[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteLeadership (Commission or Member Site), Volunteer Generation Fund, AmeriCorpsEnd of 2021Already RecoveredEnd of 2021Already RecoveredAlready RecoveredVery importantVery importantVery importantVery importantVery important
36[email protected](Other) SupportLeadership (Commission or Member Site)End of 2021Already RecoveredAlready RecoveredEnd of 2021Already RecoveredVery importantVery importantVery importantVery importantVery important
35[email protected](Other) AmeriCorps memberAmeriCorpsEnd of 2021End of 2021Already RecoveredFall 2021Fall 2021Very importantImportantVery importantImportantVery important
34[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorps, State ServiceSometime in 2022End of 2021Fall 2021End of 2021Fall 2021Very importantImportantVery importantSlightly importantImportant
33[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorps, State ServiceSometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Already RecoveredFall 2021ImportantSlightly importantVery importantSlightly importantVery important
32[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteLeadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, National ServiceBeyond 2022Fall 2021Fall 2021Already RecoveredFall 2021Very importantImportantImportantVery importantVery important
31[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorpsSometime in 2022End of 2021End of 2021End of 2021End of 2021Very importantVery importantVery importantVery importantVery important
30[email protected]Service commission staff memberAmeriCorps, National Service, State ServiceSometime in 2022End of 2021End of 2021End of 2021End of 2021Very importantSomewhat importantImportantImportantImportant
29[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorpsSometime in 2022Fall 2021Fall 2021Fall 2021Fall 2021Very importantVery importantVery importantVery importantVery important
28[email protected](Other) Payroll Manager for RMIAmeriCorpsSometime in 2022Fall 2021Fall 2021Sometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Very importantImportantSomewhat importantImportantVery important
27[email protected](Other) inspiring service emailRSVPFall 2021Fall 2021Fall 2021Already RecoveredFall 2021Very importantVery importantVery importantVery importantVery important
26[email protected]Service commission staff memberLeadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, National Service, State ServiceBeyond 2022Sometime in 2022Fall 2021Fall 2021Fall 2021Very importantSomewhat importantVery importantVery importantImportant
25[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteLeadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorpsBeyond 2022Sometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Sometime in 2022End of 2021Very importantImportantImportantImportantImportant
24[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorps, State ServiceSometime in 2022End of 2021Fall 2021Already RecoveredAlready RecoveredSomewhat importantSlightly importantImportantSomewhat importantVery important
23[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteLeadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, National Service, State ServiceSometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Fall 2021End of 2021Fall 2021Very importantImportantVery importantImportantVery important
22[email protected](Other) CVONational Service, State ServiceEnd of 2021Fall 2021Sometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Fall 2021ImportantVery importantVery importantVery importantVery important
21[email protected]Service commission staff memberLeadership (Commission or Member Site)Sometime in 2022Fall 2021Fall 2021End of 2021End of 2021Very importantImportantVery importantImportantImportant
20[email protected]Service commission staff memberAmeriCorpsSometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Sometime in 2022End of 2021End of 2021ImportantImportantImportantVery importantImportant
19Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorps, National Service, State ServiceBeyond 2022Sometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Sometime in 2022Sometime in 2022ImportantImportantVery importantImportantVery important
18[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorps, National ServiceSometime in 2022Already RecoveredFall 2021Fall 2021Fall 2021ImportantImportantImportantImportantImportant
17[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorpsSometime in 2022Fall 2021Already RecoveredAlready RecoveredAlready RecoveredImportantSomewhat importantImportantVery importantSomewhat important
16[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteLeadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, State ServiceSometime in 2022Fall 2021Fall 2021Fall 2021Fall 2021Very importantImportantImportantVery importantVery important
15Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteLeadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, National Service, State ServiceBeyond 2022Beyond 2022Sometime in 2022Sometime in 2022End of 2021Very importantImportantVery importantVery importantVery important
14[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorpsSometime in 2022End of 2021Fall 2021Already RecoveredAlready RecoveredImportantSomewhat importantVery importantSomewhat importantVery important
13[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorpsSometime in 2022End of 2021Fall 2021Fall 2021End of 2021Very importantImportantVery importantImportantImportant
12[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorpsSometime in 2022End of 2021End of 2021End of 2021End of 2021Very importantVery importantVery importantVery importantVery important
11[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorpsBeyond 2022Sometime in 2022End of 2021End of 2021End of 2021Very importantImportantImportantVery importantVery important
10[email protected]Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteLeadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, VISTABeyond 2022End of 2021End of 2021Fall 2021Fall 2021Very importantSomewhat importantImportantSlightly importantImportant
9[email protected]Service commission staff memberVolunteer Generation Fund, AmeriCorps, State Service, VISTA, RSVPEnd of 2021End of 2021Fall 2021Fall 2021Fall 2021Very importantVery importantVery importantVery importantVery important
8Program management or member for AmeriCorp siteAmeriCorps, National ServiceBeyond 2022Fall 2021Fall 2021End of 2021Already RecoveredVery importantImportantVery importantSomewhat importantSlightly important
7[email protected]Service commission staff memberVolunteer Generation FundFall 2021Fall 2021Sometime in 2022Already RecoveredAlready RecoveredImportantImportantSlightly importantSomewhat importantImportant
6[email protected]Service commission staff memberVolunteer Generation Fund, AmeriCorps, National Service, State ServiceSometime in 2022End of 2021Fall 2021Already RecoveredAlready RecoveredVery importantVery importantVery importantImportantVery important
5[email protected](Other) capacity builderSometime in 2022Beyond 2022Beyond 2022Beyond 2022Beyond 2022Very importantVery importantVery importantVery importantVery important
4[email protected]Service commission staff memberAmeriCorpsEnd of 2021Fall 2021Fall 2021Already RecoveredAlready RecoveredVery importantImportantVery importantImportantImportant
3[email protected]Service commission staff memberVolunteer Generation Fund, AmeriCorps, National Service, State ServiceSometime in 2022End of 2021Fall 2021Fall 2021Already RecoveredVery importantVery importantVery importantVery importantVery important
2[email protected]Service commission staff memberVolunteer Generation FundSometime in 2022End of 2021Already RecoveredFall 2021Already RecoveredImportantImportantImportantVery importantVery important
1[email protected]Service commission staff memberLeadership (Commission or Member Site), Volunteer Generation Fund, AmeriCorps, SeniorSometime in 2022End of 2021End of 2021Already RecoveredAlready RecoveredVery importantImportantVery importantVery importantVery important
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180 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-10 16:44:14 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.85 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Service commission staff member radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps, State Service checkbox a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress text
179 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-07 17:28:03 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/85.0.4183.121 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Service commission staff member radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), Volunteer Generation Fund, AmeriCorps, National Service, State Service checkbox
178 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-07 17:06:09 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:88.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/88.0 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps checkbox
177 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-07 16:58:53 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Service commission staff member radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps checkbox
176 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-07 16:57:27 2601:19b:c800:12d0:21b9:2799:157f:9fc5 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps checkbox
175 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-07 16:57:17 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, National Service, State Service, VISTA checkbox
174 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-07 16:57:14 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, State Service checkbox
173 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-07 16:57:04 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps, State Service checkbox
172 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-07 16:57:00 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Service commission staff member radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, National Service, State Service, RSVP checkbox
171 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-07 16:56:11 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Edg/90.0.818.51 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps checkbox
170 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-07 16:55:09 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps checkbox
169 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-07 16:55:06 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 11_2_1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/89.0.4389.114 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps checkbox
168 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-07 16:53:58 2603:9000:b102:483:8826:798d:4457:5e9f Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps, National Service checkbox
167 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-07 16:53:14 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Service commission staff member radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps, National Service, State Service checkbox
166 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-07 16:52:00 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, State Service checkbox
165 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-07 16:51:38 2601:547:501:a190:e86b:20bc:23bd:e4b2 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement National Service, State Service checkbox
164 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-07 16:51:18 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Edg/90.0.818.56 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Service commission staff member radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps, State Service checkbox a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text
163 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-07 16:50:29 2600:8804:1215:dd00:51e3:cbb8:258a:d559 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Senior checkbox
162 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-07 16:49:40 2601:601:1601:43e0:95b5:fba2:d911:e854 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps checkbox
161 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-07 16:48:23 2601:282:1380:6060:3d8a:5861:4a6a:6c9c Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Service commission staff member radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site) checkbox
160 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-07 16:48:21 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps checkbox
159 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-07 16:47:20 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Service commission staff member radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site) checkbox
158 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-07 16:47:08 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, National Service, State Service checkbox
157 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-07 16:47:04 2603:3024:b51:8000:494d:db51:4a98:5db Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, State Service checkbox
156 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-07 16:46:28 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps checkbox
155 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-07 16:46:25 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, State Service checkbox
154 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-07 16:45:49 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps checkbox a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text
153 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-07 16:43:44 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Service commission staff member radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), Volunteer Generation Fund, AmeriCorps, National Service, State Service checkbox
152 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-07 16:43:39 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Service commission staff member radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps checkbox
151 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-07 16:43:32 2603:3014:605:ea00:8838:c3bb:f777:bd21 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.85 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, State Service checkbox
150 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-07 16:42:04 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps, VISTA checkbox
149 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-07 15:25:06 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:88.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/88.0 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? (Other) Consultant radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Volunteer Generation Fund, RSVP, Senior checkbox
148 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-07 12:36:29 2601:186:80:6f00:499e:4bce:a0a3:92c2 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement VISTA checkbox
147 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 21:20:00 2601:404:c200:ea90:fc0f:6a1d:cc74:27ff Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 11; Pixel 4a (5G)) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.91 Mobile Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Service commission staff member radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps, National Service, State Service checkbox
146 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 21:18:54 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement State Service checkbox
145 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 20:59:58 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Service commission staff member radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps checkbox
144 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 19:27:05 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.85 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps checkbox
143 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 19:14:49 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps checkbox
142 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 18:55:46 2600:387:1:811::46 Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 14_4_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.0.3 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps checkbox
141 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 18:55:11 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps, State Service checkbox
140 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 18:44:38 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Service commission staff member radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), Volunteer Generation Fund, AmeriCorps, National Service, State Service, VISTA, RSVP, Senior checkbox
139 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 18:36:57 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps checkbox
138 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 18:03:54 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Service commission staff member radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Volunteer Generation Fund, State Service checkbox
137 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 17:53:46 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Edg/90.0.818.51 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps, RSVP, Senior checkbox a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text
136 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 17:52:51 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Edg/90.0.818.51 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps, RSVP, Senior checkbox a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress text
135 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 17:45:07 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps, National Service checkbox a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress text
134 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 17:35:13 2603:7000:3f02:1fe8:cd0b:8b44:a5be:b8da Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 13816.55.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.86 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, National Service checkbox
133 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 17:22:56 2601:644:600:c8a0:e801:c202:4ff:4d30 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? (Other) Grants Accountant radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement National Service checkbox
132 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 17:01:23 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, National Service, State Service, VISTA checkbox
131 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 16:59:12 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps checkbox a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text
130 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 16:57:52 2600:1700:1e31:be60:c069:282f:b323:214 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site) checkbox
129 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 16:51:23 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps checkbox
128 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 16:44:45 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.85 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? (Other) Head of Talent at an AmeriCorps partner grantee radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site) checkbox
127 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 16:36:49 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:88.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/88.0 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps checkbox
126 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 16:35:16 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps checkbox
125 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 16:25:42 Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 14_4_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.0.3 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, State Service checkbox
124 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 16:24:21 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, State Service checkbox
123 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 16:18:21 2601:602:ce81:3ae0:3849:181b:e7b3:ee54 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement RSVP checkbox
122 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 16:03:20 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Edg/90.0.818.51 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps, VISTA checkbox
121 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 16:00:10 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.85 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, National Service checkbox
120 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 15:56:53 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps checkbox
119 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 15:43:26 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Service commission staff member radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Volunteer Generation Fund checkbox
118 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 15:42:23 2600:1700:8530:3720:711a:47a8:d71d:c216 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? (Other) Commissioner and RSVP Director radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement RSVP checkbox
117 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 15:39:14 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps checkbox
116 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 15:32:50 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps, National Service, State Service checkbox
115 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 15:26:31 2601:245:ce02:20f0:e1c9:4a92:7860:96c2 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement National Service, State Service checkbox
114 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 15:17:16 2603:3021:1a03:1400:582:448:febd:d15f Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), Volunteer Generation Fund, AmeriCorps, National Service, State Service, VISTA checkbox
113 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 15:13:41 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Service commission staff member radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement State Service checkbox a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress text
112 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 15:09:41 2601:249:503:e350:b0f6:1c4c:7176:2db Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? (Other) Girls Scout Troop Leader radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps checkbox
111 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 15:08:17 2600:1702:3bd0:7db0:a97b:2f79:1e30:df37 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Service commission staff member radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps checkbox
110 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 15:05:50 2600:8807:c47:3200:8ec:177e:4f11:a4f8 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, National Service checkbox
109 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 14:58:43 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps checkbox
108 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 14:45:01 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/89.0.4389.128 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? (Other) NJ Governor\'s Office of Volunteerism – Program Officer radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Volunteer Generation Fund checkbox
107 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 14:44:21 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps, VISTA checkbox
106 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 14:41:35 2601:441:4c80:6860:f44d:bac9:cf18:d273 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/89.0.4389.114 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps, National Service checkbox a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress text
105 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 14:36:30 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), National Service checkbox
104 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 14:36:17 2600:1700:9270:1f70:a400:a7c4:f2de:da7d Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps, National Service checkbox
103 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 14:36:14 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, State Service checkbox
102 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 14:34:40 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? (Other) SCP Director radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement National Service checkbox
101 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 14:34:33 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? (Other) Program Assistant AmeriCorps Member radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps checkbox
100 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 14:34:11 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps, State Service checkbox
99 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 14:32:15 2600:6c46:6a00:5a2:80ec:d4ac:2f06:8860 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? (Other) Program Operations Staff radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps, National Service, State Service checkbox
98 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 14:31:13 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps checkbox a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress text
97 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 14:29:32 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps checkbox
96 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 14:28:04 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site) checkbox
95 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 14:28:00 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, National Service, RSVP, Senior checkbox
94 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 14:25:36 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:84.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/84.0 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps checkbox
93 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 14:25:25 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, National Service checkbox
92 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 14:24:46 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps checkbox a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text
91 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 14:24:42 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, State Service checkbox a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text
90 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 14:23:37 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps, National Service, State Service, VISTA checkbox a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text
89 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 14:23:18 2601:241:8680:7860:ad65:e76e:f8e2:b479 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps, National Service, State Service, VISTA checkbox
88 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 14:22:56 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), Volunteer Generation Fund, AmeriCorps, State Service checkbox
87 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 14:22:49 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? (Other) Business Manager radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps checkbox a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text
86 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 14:19:41 2600:8804:1215:dd00:241c:1f81:9e3f:61b5 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps, National Service, State Service checkbox
85 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 14:19:15 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps, National Service checkbox a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress text
84 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 14:19:02 2600:1000:b10b:bdc3:347e:9ef4:d47d:e92 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_16_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.113 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps, National Service, State Service checkbox
83 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 14:18:40 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps checkbox
82 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 14:18:37 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Edg/90.0.818.51 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps, National Service checkbox
81 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 14:17:48 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? (Other) AmeriCorps Seniors Foster Grandparent Program Coordinator radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement National Service, Senior checkbox
80 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 14:14:49 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps, State Service checkbox
79 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 14:14:44 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps checkbox
78 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 14:14:38 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps, State Service checkbox
77 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 14:14:06 2600:1700:3b80:80b0:59be:2e87:f45d:a8e4 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site) checkbox
76 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 14:13:11 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, Senior checkbox
75 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-06 01:41:02 2601:444:4101:8680:505b:5154:4636:d4fe Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 12_4_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/12.1.2 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps, State Service checkbox
74 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-05 21:22:39 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps, State Service checkbox
73 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-05 21:16:24 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, State Service checkbox
72 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-05 20:55:16 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Edg/90.0.818.51 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? (Other) State Commissioner radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site) checkbox
71 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-05 20:43:16 2600:1702:3dd1:1410:c00e:14f0:e2e3:c39 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.1 Safari/605.1.15 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps, State Service checkbox
70 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-05 19:45:56 2600:6c65:757f:d76a:dd59:74ce:ac4e:e67d Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/89.0.4389.128 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Service commission staff member radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps, State Service checkbox
69 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-05 18:01:51 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/89.0.4389.128 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement State Service checkbox
68 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-05 17:14:08 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.72 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Service commission staff member radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, National Service, State Service, VISTA checkbox
67 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-05 17:11:58 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Service commission staff member radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), Volunteer Generation Fund, AmeriCorps, National Service, VISTA checkbox
66 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-05 17:10:35 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, State Service checkbox
65 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-05 16:57:45 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Volunteer Generation Fund, AmeriCorps checkbox
64 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-05 16:56:14 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps checkbox
63 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-05 16:51:54 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Service commission staff member radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps checkbox
62 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-05 16:36:51 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Edg/90.0.818.51 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps checkbox
61 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-05 15:24:09 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Service commission staff member radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, National Service checkbox
60 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-05 01:14:43 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Edg/90.0.818.51 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, National Service, RSVP checkbox
59 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-04 22:10:42 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/84.0.4147.125 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Service commission staff member radio a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), Volunteer Generation Fund, AmeriCorps, National Service, State Service checkbox
58 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-04 21:26:00 2601:140:8f00:3730:c45d:58b0:ca10:4cd1 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps checkbox
57 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-04 21:14:50 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Edg/90.0.818.51 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? (Other) Assistant Project Director, Foster Grandparent Program radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Senior checkbox
56 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-04 19:58:59 2603:6010:100:e878:e1b6:dac0:639f:35ae Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps, State Service checkbox
55 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-04 19:47:46 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps, National Service, State Service checkbox
54 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-04 19:47:34 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps checkbox
53 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-04 17:25:50 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps, National Service, State Service checkbox
52 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-04 17:12:05 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement State Service checkbox
51 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-04 17:02:43 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), Volunteer Generation Fund, AmeriCorps, State Service checkbox
50 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-04 16:43:39 2600:6c52:6b00:1e61:84fe:bd7f:b3e8:f32f Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_6) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.0.3 Safari/605.1.15 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, State Service checkbox
49 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-04 16:30:43 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? (Other) NonProfit Management radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps checkbox
48 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-04 16:16:39 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, National Service, State Service checkbox
47 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-04 16:14:24 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Edg/90.0.818.51 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps, State Service checkbox
46 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-04 15:56:55 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Edg/90.0.818.51 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), Volunteer Generation Fund, AmeriCorps, State Service checkbox
45 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-04 15:49:38 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps checkbox a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text
44 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-04 15:46:06 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, State Service checkbox
43 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-04 15:39:40 2601:3c7:4280:3e0:d99a:7b7f:9e9e:bf5b Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps checkbox
42 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-04 15:13:22 2603:8000:4502:a6ba:5996:95ae:af2c:6de7 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Service commission staff member radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, State Service checkbox
41 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-04 15:05:32 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Service commission staff member radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Volunteer Generation Fund checkbox
40 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-04 14:44:49 2605:a601:af4a:ef00:6864:44e5:2480:4761 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Edg/90.0.818.51 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement VISTA checkbox
39 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-04 14:39:54 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps checkbox
38 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-04 14:37:53 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? (Other) Finance & Admin Assistant radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement State Service checkbox
37 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-04 14:30:20 2601:249:503:e350:b042:cb7c:4466:8c2d Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), Volunteer Generation Fund, AmeriCorps checkbox
36 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-04 14:20:52 2600:8802:6707:4d00:55aa:4e89:1e00:a4a2 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? (Other) Support radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site) checkbox a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text
35 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-04 14:14:26 2600:387:1:811::55 Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 11; SM-G981U) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.82 Mobile Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? (Other) AmeriCorps member radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps checkbox
34 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-04 14:03:27 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/89.0.4389.128 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps, State Service checkbox
33 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-04 13:52:19 2601:249:8c80:e10:30db:a277:6d1:8656 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.72 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps, State Service checkbox
32 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-04 13:46:16 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, National Service checkbox
31 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-04 13:35:16 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Edg/90.0.818.51 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps checkbox
30 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-04 13:30:55 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_6) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.0.3 Safari/605.1.15 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Service commission staff member radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps, National Service, State Service checkbox
29 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-04 13:24:29 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Edg/90.0.818.51 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps checkbox
28 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-04 13:17:54 2600:387:b:5::61 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? (Other) Payroll Manager for RMI radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps checkbox
27 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-04 12:47:21 2600:1702:37b0:4360:8d0f:49f9:2b50:3302 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? (Other) inspiring service email radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement RSVP checkbox
26 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-04 12:35:02 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/89.0.4389.114 Safari/537.36 Edg/89.0.774.75 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Service commission staff member radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, National Service, State Service checkbox
25 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-04 12:12:07 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps checkbox
24 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-03 22:04:08 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps, State Service checkbox
23 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-03 22:01:06 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.85 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, National Service, State Service checkbox
22 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-03 21:48:01 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? (Other) CVO radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement National Service, State Service checkbox a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text
21 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-03 21:44:26 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/89.0.4389.128 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Service commission staff member radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site) checkbox
20 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-03 21:43:03 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Service commission staff member radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps checkbox
19 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-03 21:40:08 2606:5580:301:7fdc:74eb:9977:ceb9:1b50 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps, National Service, State Service checkbox a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress text
18 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-03 21:10:42 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps, National Service checkbox
17 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-03 21:10:04 2604:2d80:5202:e200:7cd6:7e4c:148c:84e7 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps checkbox a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text
16 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-03 21:03:53 2600:8800:3080:5860:cd93:5845:a534:eafe Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, State Service checkbox
15 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-03 21:01:21 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, National Service, State Service checkbox a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress text
14 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-03 20:58:07 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps checkbox
13 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-03 20:57:50 2600:1002:b102:19cb:5e5:3aa8:ff08:3f3a Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 14_4_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.0.3 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps checkbox
12 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-03 20:57:24 2601:140:8680:73d0:6cac:6499:b298:92fb Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/89.0.4389.128 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps checkbox
11 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-03 20:56:33 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.75 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps checkbox a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio
10 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-03 20:55:19 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), AmeriCorps, VISTA checkbox
9 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-03 20:54:57 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.85 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Service commission staff member radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Volunteer Generation Fund, AmeriCorps, State Service, VISTA, RSVP checkbox
8 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-03 20:54:19 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Program management or member for AmeriCorp site radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps, National Service checkbox a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress text
7 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-03 20:22:45 2601:182:c902:6640:caf:2fec:b561:7bc3 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Service commission staff member radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Volunteer Generation Fund checkbox
6 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-03 19:58:04 2601:181:c380:8680:e9b6:46bc:126:19f2 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_6) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.0.3 Safari/605.1.15 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Service commission staff member radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Volunteer Generation Fund, AmeriCorps, National Service, State Service checkbox
5 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-03 19:49:42 2600:1702:3b50:1750:f03d:e920:6b9f:1495 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Edg/90.0.818.51 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? (Other) capacity builder radio
4 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-03 18:57:31 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Service commission staff member radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement AmeriCorps checkbox
3 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-03 18:16:46 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.93 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Service commission staff member radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Volunteer Generation Fund, AmeriCorps, National Service, State Service checkbox
2 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-03 17:43:53 2607:fb90:8670:1bc2:f456:eb22:8085:6b61 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.85 Safari/537.36 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Service commission staff member radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Volunteer Generation Fund checkbox a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text
1 National Service Training Conference Poll false 2021-05-03 17:22:25 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_6) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.1 Safari/605.1.15 Recovery e015c8aa-bd58-4cc7-9e1e-51aaaf92ad62 27c8c68b-8ed7-47f2-8545-f009c0f8a3a1 Already Recovered Fall 2021 End of 2021 Sometime in 2022 Beyond 2022 Large Events Indoor Volunteering Tutoring/Mentoring Volunteer Coordination Board Service matrix Resiliency 923602e8-457f-45e5-947c-f0909b49b8b0 00d483fa-8f85-4650-ae6b-d59290bdc123 How important is each item to making volunteerism more resilient in the future? Not important Slightly important Somewhat important Important Very important Reliable AmeriCorps funding Guide to active NPs Diverse and Inclusive NP Boards Easier recruitment Quality Volunteer Leadership matrix Your Role 1ad5f7de-7800-49db-915b-f7568df1ca0e a1fcfe45-e7c7-4c30-ad76-be2c843f917b Email Adress [email protected] text a24a9ea2-1843-40ad-91a1-f2f07cb00f4a What best describes your role? Service commission staff member radio 70970ef2-409c-417f-875a-36b7fe289daa Areas of Involvement Leadership (Commission or Member Site), Volunteer Generation Fund, AmeriCorps, Senior checkbox
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